Love and the Town

Gondolatok mindenről, ami eszembe jut. :)

Friss topikok

  • AmraSura: Az én bejegyzésem az utolsó... Ez édes, bár lehet, hogy emiatt hagytad abba? :S :D (2011.07.04. 16:17) "Gondolkodás nélkül vállalnám!"
  • Kremyyy: @Rn: Az egyik tanárom akart írni róluk egy cikket,és elég durva dolgokat mesélt. Ha belépsz,nincs ... (2010.05.13. 22:22) Hit
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  • Truszi: Hát már ott vagyok, hogy mindegy. :D (2009.06.18. 12:22) Mi leszel, ha nagy leszel?
  • Truszi: @Kacu: Hát a csuklómra fújtam, úgy szagoltam.. nekem a khemotoxhoz hasonlított az illata, elhiszem... (2009.05.20. 14:08) Szaglászás

2009.05.01. 18:03 Truszi

Jonathan Livingston, the Seagull

Jonathan Livingston the seagull was written by Richard Bach. Richard Bach is a spiritual writer. He has already written a lot of books, so The Seagull is not his only work. I chose this book, because I like it a lot and what’s more I read it first in English.

 Anyway, in the book you can read a very interesting story about a seagull who decides to fly faster than the others. First, the others think he’s a fool and they want him to leave the community (or Flock). So he lives the community and tries to break his own limits of beeing the same as the rest of the gulls.

But Jonathan has got many faith and he doesn’t give up his will to fly faster. Because his faith is very strong and he flies higher and higher and faster and faster. While he is learning how to fly higher and faster  he experiences all kinds of things: everytime he gets into a universe or new world and at the end when he flies the fastest and the highest he realizes that is not him who is beeing taught by older and wiser gulls, but him who teaches the young.

 In my opinion Jonathan’s story is the story of everyone who makes a step towards his/her real nature.

 When I read this book I thought that Jonathan is Jesus or Buddha or someone who has englighted, but I realized that anybody can be Jonathan Livingston just he/she needs power, braveness, faith to find the way.

 I like this book, because it is easy to understand and it’s for everybody.

 I would like to quote from the bok: „The gull sees farthest who flies highest.”

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